girl applying lips gloss and checking if her lip gloss smelling bad?

Understanding and Preventing the Issue of “Why Your Lip Gloss Smells Bad?”

Have you also wondered why your lip gloss smells bad? A popular cosmetic, lip gloss is mainly used to give lips a glossy finish, although it can occasionally be used to add faint colour. It comes in liquid or soft solid form; this is not to be confused with lip balm, which is typically used for soothing or medicinal purposes, or lipstick, which is usually a solid, cream-like substance that imparts a highly pigmented colour.

The product comes with various glossy, metallic, sparkly, and frosted finishes, and its opacity ranges from translucent to solid. People may experience a minor problem, though, and that is an unpleasant odour emanating from their lip gloss.

This issue raises potential concerns about safety and its underlying cause. We’ll look at the causes of why your lip gloss smells bad in this article, along with some solutions.

What is lip gloss made of?

Wax or petroleum jelly is used in the production of most lip glosses to provide an emollient base with lots of slip, which makes them easy to apply to the lips. To change the lip gloss’s scent, texture, and colour and produce a different hue and finish, additional components, including oils, perfumes, and pigments, are added.

Moreover, less wax is used because the product flows naturally. The main ingredients are polybutene and lanolin, which feel nice on the lips because of their moisturising properties and glossing effect.

Types of Lip Gloss

Lip gloss is available in numerous forms and application techniques. It can be applied with a built-in lip brush or a rounded or slanted applicator wand, and it comes in a tiny cylindrical bottle. It can be used with a fingertip or lip brush, or it can be found in a little, squishy plastic tube that can be pushed over the lips. Lip gloss and lip balm can occasionally be confused with solid or semisolid glosses, which are packaged in tubes or boxes.

Simple lip gloss merely gives lips a glossy appearance without any colour. Vibrant colour and sheen are combined in coloured lip gloss. The glitter base of glittery lip gloss can be coloured or left uncoloured.

Causes and Solutions for Why Your Lip Gloss Smells Bad? 

A few things can cause lip gloss to lose its pleasant smell:

Oxidation: Over time, some lip gloss chemicals, such as vitamin E or other antioxidants, may oxidise and take on a rotten smell.

Expiration: One of the reasons for the foul smell in lip glosses can be expiration. Lip gloss has a limited shelf life, just as many other cosmetic items do. Ingredients may degrade and take on an unpleasant smell as the product ages. Lip glosses that contain kinds of butter or natural oils are particularly prone to this. This can result in an unpleasant odour. Always check the product’s expiration date before buying it, keep it in mind throughout use, and note any changes in the product’s colour, smell, or texture. Signs that indicate that your lip gloss is expired:

  1. Colour: If the colour of your favourite lip gloss is changing, that’s not a favourable sign. If you used lip gloss yesterday over red lipstick and some of the lipstick showed through the gloss, don’t panic. If your lip gloss seems cloudy or has changed in colour, it’s time for a new one. 
  2. Smell: You should throw away your lip gloss if it no longer smells the same or if it appears to have lost its aroma. 
  3. Texture: Does the gloss on your lips feel sticky when it was previously smooth? Or is it runny or appears to have solidified? Please discard this lip gloss. The texture cannot be changed, and it may indicate that the lip gloss has gone bad.

Breakdown of Ingredients: Certain ingredients in lip gloss can break down over time. Natural oils and waxes can decompose if the lip gloss contains organic ingredients. Chemical reactions between different components can also lead to a foul smell.

Microbial growth: It can occur in the formula of lip gloss if the container is not kept clean and the product is used frequently. 

Determination and safety of your lip gloss

Depending on how bad the scent is, you can determine if it’s still safe to use.

  1. It’s usually still safe to wear lip gloss with a faint-off smell, though the quality and performance can suffer.
  2. It is advisable to throw away the product, nevertheless, if the odour is overpowering or disagreeable. Using lip gloss that smells bad could irritate your skin or lead to additional issues.

How to prevent bad-smelling lip gloss:

  • Store properly: Proper storage is essential to maintain the quality of a Lip Gloss. 
  • Close tightly after using it: Use high-quality Lip Gloss from reputable brands. They are often made with better ingredients and packaging.
  • Consider Fragrance-Free Lip Gloss: If you are allergic or sensitive to smells, you can consider switching to a fragrance-free lip gloss. 

If the smell of paint begins to permeate your recently purchased lip gloss, it’s often a sign that the product has gone faulty or tainted. The actions I would suggest are as follows:

  1. Put the lip gloss away right away. If you apply a damaged or contaminated cosmetic product to your lips, it may irritate your skin or result in other negative effects.
  2. Check the lip gloss’s expiration date. A lot of cosmetics have a short shelf life, and using one that has gone bad might affect its texture, safety, and scent.
  3. Look for any indications of manipulation or damage to the packaging. The tube or container could be the cause of the paint-like smell if it looks to be cracked, leaking, or otherwise contaminated.
  4. Make contact with the lip gloss’s retailer or manufacturer. Try to get it replaced or a refund. Many businesses have policies in place to address issues with product quality.
  5. When buying makeup from unknown brands or suppliers in the future, use caution. The authenticity and safety of the products you receive can be guaranteed by purchasing from reliable, authorised retailers.


If your lip gloss smells bad, it may be contaminated, spoiled, or undergoing chemical interactions in the container or with other items. Maintaining adequate hygiene and quality control when choosing and applying lip gloss are essential for comfortable and secure wear.